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Our Services

Airtight Energy Consulting provides comprehensive services to help builders, developers, and architects achieve ambitious efficiency goals for buildings. These services are available for single and multifamily homes, commercial buildings, and renovation projects. We will work with you to identify a package of services that best meets your project's needs. 


HERS Ratings

HERS stands for Home Energy Rating system, and it is the industry standard for measuring building efficiency. We analyze construction plans, offer technical support, and provide onsite inspections to achieve optimal energy ratings. 


Passive House

Passive House is a standard for building efficiency that significantly reduces the building’s carbon footprint. We can provide design consulting, modeling, or verification for your Passive House project. 


Energy Code Assistance

Energy codes are becoming more complex, with higher standards for building efficiency. We help customers understand their options and perform services such as plan review, envelope analysis, and blower door testing.

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